
Schopenhauer’s Doctrine of Salvation in Relation to his Critique of Religion and Philosophical Teachings

Anil Dominic Batti

ISBN 978-3-8325-5735-5
325 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
Preis: 44.00 €
Schopenhauer’s Doctrine of Salvation in Relation to his Critique of Religion and Philosophical Teachings
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860) was perhaps the last polymath among the great Germanic philosophers. Switching with ease and elegance between epistemic positions and fields as diverse as idealism and empiricism, fideism and rationalism, realism and nominalism, art and religion, jurisprudence and politics, psychology and occultism, Schopenhauer erected an imposing edifice bearing testimony to his universal learning. This study is an investigation into the very conclusion of Schopenhauer’s philosophy and endeavours to answer the following question: did Schopenhauer’s doctrine of salvation issue forth organically from his intellectual output or was it annexed to his philosophy as a result of his critical engagement with religion? The labyrinthine paths through which Schopenhauer arrives at the soteriological culmination of his philosophy are subjected to critical assessment; the picture that emerges is of a philosopher who seemed convinced that he had solved some of the most pressing cosmic riddles to have tormented mankind through the ages.

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  • Schopenhauer
  • Kant
  • Marx
  • Philosophy
  • Religion


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