UA Ruhr Studies on Development and Global Governance
ISSN: 2363-8869

UAMR Studies on Development and Global Governance (ISSN: 2194-167X, Bd. 61-64)
Bochum Studies in International Development (ISSN: 1869-084X, Vol. 56-60)

Herausgegeben für das UAMR Graduate Centre for Development Studies von:
Prof. Dr. Matthias Busse
Prof. Dr. Tobias Debiel
Prof. Dr. Christof Hartmann
Prof. Dr. Markus Kaltenborn
Prof. Dr. Helmut Karl
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Löwenstein

Bochumer Schriften zur Entwicklungsforschung und Entwicklungspolitik

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Bislang erschienene Bände:

Bd. 56: Martina Shakya
Risk, Vulnerability and Tourism in Developing Countries: The Case of Nepal
Bd. 57: Tobias Birkendorf
Die Auswirkungen von Großveranstaltungen auf die langfristige öknomische Entwicklung von Schwellenländern - Eine wachstumstheoretische und empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Olympischen Sommerspiele in Beijing 2008
Bd. 58: Andreas Hahn
Between Presidential Power and Legislative Veto. The Impact of Polity and Politics on Economic Reforms in Brazil
Bd. 59: Kai Riewe
Interdependenz wirtschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Transformation. Das ökonomische Potential sozialen Kapitals am Beispiel der Russischen Föderation
Bd. 60: Tobias Bidlingmaier
The Influence of International Trade on Economic Growth and Distribution in Developing Countries. With a Special Focus on Thailand
Bd. 61: Shafaq Hussain
Growth Effects and the Determinants of Female Employment in Pakistan: A Macro- and Microeconomic Analysis
Bd. 62: Abate Mekuriaw Bizuneh
Climate Variability and Change in the Rift Valley and Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia: Local Knowledge, Impacts and Adaptation
Bd. 63: Valentina Dillenseger
Technologietransfer durch Migranten aus Entwicklungsländern
Bd. 64: Carlos Gustavo Villela
Understanding Institutionalized Collective Remittances. The Mexican Tres por Uno Program in Zacatecas
Bd. 65: Tobias Thürer
Does speculation with agricultural commodity futures cause price bubbles in the event of negative production shocks?
Bd. 66: Marco Rimkus
Welternährung, Nutztierschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit. Eine monetäre Bewertung in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern
Bd. 67: Claudia Breitung
Organisational behaviour of humanitarian agencies in their interaction with armed rebel groups. A case study of humanitarian engagement with the Lord's Resistance Army
Bd. 68: Annika Engelbert, Markus Kaltenborn, Nina-Annette Reit-Born
Effective corruption control. Supplier remedies in public procurement in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania - A comparative analysis of mechanisms and their implementation
Bd. 69: Stefan Buchholz
Dimensionen und Bestimmungsfaktoren der HIV/AIDS-bezogenen Stigmatisierung in der Republik Südafrika. Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung unter Studenten in der Metropolregion Kapstadt
Bd. 70: Elkhan Richard Sadik-Zada
Oil Abundance and Economic Growth
Bd. 71: Casper Boongaling Agaton
A Real Options Approach to Renewable and Nuclear Energy Investments in the Philippines
Bd. 72: Raffael Beier
From the City to the Desert. Analysing shantytown resettlement in Casablanca, Morocco, from residents' perspectives
Bd. 73: Jurek Seifert
Power and Horizontality in South-South Development Cooperation. The Case of Brazil and Mozambique
Bd. 74: Christina Seeger
Trust and consumers' willingness to pay for safe and certified safe vegetables in West African cities. a comparative analysis of Tamale, Ouagadougou, Bamenda and Bamako
Bd. 75: Mariana Vilmondes
Accountability Relations in Social Housing Programs. a comparative legal analysis of Brazilian and Chilean case studies